Tips to make an effective Ad Campaign

Bluetick provides effective Google Adwords Services. It increases Quality Score, reduces the cost per acquisition, and improves click-through rates. In the performance-driven world of paid search, it’s easy to forget how to be creative. Advertisers bid on the perceived value of a click in relation to the keywords, platforms, and audience type in which it originates. A fun, innovative, and well-executed PPC campaign can work wonders for your business. Learn from our Google Adwords Expert, Tips to Make an Effective Ad Campaign:
- Choose an advertisement that makes you stand out from your competition –
Among an infinite number of sellers catering to the same product or service, it becomes essential to stand out from your competition. That’s what you have to figure out and focus on with your advertisement. Show your potential customers why your business is their number one choice and why they shouldn’t even consider your competitors.
- Use A Powerful Headline:
Getting attention can be subtle too. People scan things quickly. Hence, leaving you with barely 15 seconds to grab their attention. They come into contact with so many advertisements each day that they can’t possibly read each one.
- Pictorial Campaign:
Even science proves that the visual memory of humans is much stronger than reading memory. People tend to forget what they read, but the video, clip, or picture has a more considerable impact on their minds and memory. Therefore, it is really important for an Ad campaign to have a bigger and more impactful visual but lesser writeup.
- Clear and to the point Writing:
One needs to understand that we are writing to reach the mass, not a niche crowd. Very common mistake writers tend to make is filling the writeup with extreme vocabulary and jargon while trying to make impressive content. However, one must not forget that over-burdening content with heavy words might make you lose a lot of potential consumers while making it difficult for people to understand your product or service. Keep it simple and clear!
- Keywords:
Choose the best and the most relevant keywords for your business and help your ads perform better than competitors. Our Professional SEO Company helps you set up your PPC ad campaigns and manage them better. Right from finding a food recipe to a song lyrics or finding the best school to a quality needle, the internet has become a significant search engine one relies on. However, in the crowd of an infinite number of buyers and sellers, how would you create your market? PPC Company can help you provide SEO based keywords in Ad Campaign that helps you improve your rank and visibility.
- Pointers:
Pointers are much easier to process than writing long, boring paragraphs. So, if your Ad needs information to be shared, then try to keep it in the form of pointers that should go rank or process-wise.
- One-liner:
Attractive and catch one-liners do wonder to the Ad Campaign. Often, simple yet strong one-liners grab attention and can be used to express the product or service.
- We all love offers!
Often, offer catch a lot of attention, be it buy one get one, after purchase service, cashback, discounts, extra, free and kind. So, make sure to run a campaign when you have something to offer and give that offer a voice. People tend to look into offers whether they need the product/service or not, while in return, your product/service gets noticed.
- Logo and brand name:
It is important to reflect brand name or logo in every campaign, be it in a little corner. A person might not remember the brand name or logo at once. However, with a repetitive screening on different ads, one starts to recognize the brands and soon feels familiar with the brand. This creates a huge impact on people to trust the brand and increases credibility.
- Colors:
Said often, colors have the tendency to cheer up the mood or dull it. It works the same on the campaign. The right mix of colors might end up catching the eye, while people might just scroll through the dull colors. Give your advertisement a life at the same time, not over-burdening it. The color also plays an important role in highlighting and hence, needs to be picked carefully.
- Know your potential customers:
It is important to know your potential customers to be able to reach them. Analyze your potential market, then target the market on the basis of location, gender, age, etc., and post the Ad.
- Time:
Time plays an important role in reaching customers. As per studies, Wednesday gives the highest reach to the consumer while weekend people might just miss the campaign amid the buzzing Me-time.