A Step-by-Step Guide To Hire Professional SEO Content Writing Services

Sometimes reading about the most interesting topics don’t grab your attention while topics which may not be of your interest have articles you can’t stop reading, all the credit would go to the way it is written. That’s why the SEO content writing services are needed. Content writing is needed in every aspect of the business from website to blogs to social media. Every written information shared with potential customers has to be well thought out and catchy while making sure that it meets the SEO requirements, thus the need for a professional content writer. 

High quality content increases the company’s SEO strength and puts the name out there when a relevant search is done by a customer. Thus making it an important aspect of the overall SEO strategy. So who is this content writer and how to shortlist in the sea of SEO content writing services providers? Here is a step to step guide on what to look for when hiring one.

seo content writing

1. Storyteller: A good writer can make the reader feel like they are part of the story. So the first thing to look for when it comes to content writing is the writing style. How the story weaves and catches the attention of the reader. Get a few past articles or blogs written to gauge the work. If the words don’t entice you to read on, its likely it won’t for the readers. How the writing flows and delivers the right message is the key to engaging content. 

2. SEO relevance: The content helps with the optimization and the blogs and articles covering your brand needs to be SEO compliant. Inclusion of keywords and making them part of the story and not forced into it is what gives it better ranking. A big part of SEO content writing is inclusion of the right keywords, something the users may search for when they think of products the company deals in. Keyword research is a vital part of the SEO strategy, so the writer should have experience with it. 

3. Skills continuity: Content is not just articles, blogs and captions. A website content has to be in sync with the story built about the brand. The great story about the company or product that led the customer to the website should not leave them disappointed. Website content writing services should be a part of the plan and ensure a good brand story flow across all content platforms.

website content writing services

It is important to keep in mind that the results are not visible overnight and may take a few months to show the traffic flow. Content is an ongoing task and the relationship will be long term, so the service provider should be someone who shares and believes in the company’s vision and end goals.


Key Benefits Of Hiring A Professional WordPress Development Company For Your Business

WordPress has now become a synonym for websites. Did you know that 43% of the total websites on the internet are powered by WordPress? And that shows the dominance of WordPress in website building. The major reason for this dominance of WordPress is it is easy to use and cost-effective. You can easily find WordPress development company to build a website.


Moreover, WordPress is accessible from anywhere. It is also seen that WordPress websites are search engine friendly and do not require HTML editing. WordPress allows you complete control of your website, so you can customize themes and build responsive designs as per your choice.


So, you are now aware of the importance of WordPress. You may have a question about whether you can develop a WordPress website on your own or not because it is easy to use. The answer is you can definitely do that if you are having a small-scale personal blog. WordPress provides thousands of themes, you can select any of them and you are good to go.


But if you are running a business irrespective of its size, then you should invest in a professional WordPress designer to build a custom website as per the requirements of your business. Because a website represents your business, it builds your brand in the online space. So you can not compromise on its quality.


In this post, we will discuss all such benefits of hiring a WordPress development company.

wordpress web designer

Benefits of Hiring WordPress Website Development Company


So, here are the benefits,


  • Time is more important than money. Hiring professionals make the web development process faster.
  • Professional web designers can customize websites smoothly as per your requirements.
  • A professional team can advise you better on choosing suitable premium themes for your business.
  • They are experienced in web development, so you can expect high quality and on-time delivery.
  • They work closely with you to meet your expectations on the website, and also the web development company provides you support after development as well.


Choose an Experienced Web Development Team with Good Past Record


We discussed the benefits of hiring a web development company but it can only benefit you when you choose a reliable company with a good part record and a rich portfolio. Never forget you check their previous works, testimony, and cost. Albeit, the quality comes at a price, so prefer a high-quality team with a proper balance between quality and cost.

wordpress website development company

Hire Bluetick: A Team of Highly Experienced and Creative WordPress Web Designers


Bluetick Consultants builds high-quality custom WordPress website that exceeds the expectations of clients. Bluetick has a team of creative WordPress website designers that can provide you input on how to make your website outstanding among peers.


So, that’s all about the benefits of hiring a WordPress web development company. Feel free to connect with us if you wish to know more about it. We would be delighted to assist you.

How To Master SMO Services In 6 Simple Steps?

The number of users of social media has been growing day by day. It has made social media an ideal marketplace to showcase your product and services. Did you know that 78% of sellers on social platforms have outperformed offline sellers? Not just that, if we believe numbers, 78% of consumers on social media are willing to have a conversation with businesses on social media.


This is where SMO services become helpful to provide you with brand recognition by conveying your message to the target audience and making your online presence even stronger. SMO, Social media optimization is the practice to plan and optimize your social media content. It is one of the important digital marketing strategies to increase your brand awareness, and promote your products and services.


One more important benefit of SMO is that it facilitates brand engagement because social media provides two-way communication, so you can increase conversation with clients and improve customer loyalty.

As you are now aware of how important SMO service is, now we will go through 6 simple steps to master SMO, ultimately it will help you improve your revenue and brand image on social media. Later we will also discuss the importance of hiring a social media specialist to make your SMO better. So, let’s start with,

smo marketing

6 Simple Steps to Master SMO Marketing


  1. First of all, determine and select carefully which social media network better suits your business. For example, Instagram and Facebook suit B2C businesses, and Linkedin for B2B. This is the first and crucial step so, choose it wisely as per your product, services, and strategy.
  2. Once you choose social media, then optimize your business profile. Provide maximum possible information and visuals about your business.
  3. Then comes content planning. Create a content calendar to post on social media and stick to it religiously.
  4. Once you post content, become proactive and react to all like comments and sharing of your posts.
  5. Let people comment, and create call-to-action buttons to take people on your website or on the landing page.
  6. Do smart work to promote your content. You can repurpose the same content on different social media platforms where you can find your target audience.


Hire a Social Media Specialist


It is advisable to hire a social media specialist with a proven track record in SMO. They can handle SMO more efficiently so you can focus on your core business tasks. So, investing in hiring a social media specialist is a good idea to improve your social media presence and sales.

social media specialist

Bluetick: A Reliable Social Media Optimization Services Provider


Bluetick has a long proven track record of successful social media marketing campaigns and SMO. You can hire Bluetick for SMO services and improve your social media campaigns.


SO, that’s all about SMO services. Connect with us if you wish to know more about our SMO services. Our team is waiting for your response.

3 Effective Techniques To Boost Your Social Media Advertising Strategy

The requirement for social media advertising has been growing by leaps and bounds. The combined strength of leading social media platforms Facebook and Instagram is 3.32 billion monthly active users. Twitter and LinkedIn too have a big share of active users in millions.


Not just for the big brands, social media has become a boon for small businesses to advertise and sell their items on a small scale. Facebook advertising helps a lot to promote your business to well-targeted demography in your budget. But it requires proper planning to get the desired results.


You need to plan to research your target audience, create a user persona, and plan content creation accordingly. Creating effective communication is the key to getting superior results in Facebook advertising. In this post we will discuss all such techniques to boost your social media advertising campaigns.


First of all, we will discuss techniques to boost social media ads. Then social media campaigns and last we will discuss special tips to boost social media ads.


3 Techniques To Boost Social Media Marketing Strategy


Planning and creating a strategy for social media marketing is the foundation of your marketing campaign.

  • First, you need to set realistic goals. For example, how much revenue you intend to generate in one month from the social media marketing campaign.
  • Take time to research your target audience, peer products, prices, user persona and budget.
  • Plan content creation accordingly for social media ad campaigns. Do not forget that content creation must be part of your core strategy.


Create Effective Social Media Campaigns 


For a successful and effective social media campaign, first, you need to set goals of campaigns, then select carefully which social media channel you will use, and then select KPI metrics to monitor your progress.


Once you are done with this, make a content calendar for social media. Strictly follow all these steps during the social media campaign.


As you monitor the progress, you need to tweak your strategy and re-target the audience accordingly. You need to be proactive throughout the campaign.


Special Tips To Boost Social Media Ads


We discussed everything about social media strategy and campaign. Now we will give you special tips on how you can do that all easily.


So, the answer is to hire a social media marketing expert with a proven track record of successful social media marketing campaigns.


Investment in social media marketing will not increase your cost, it will generate more revenue and increase profitability. But you need to hire a good social media marketing expert for the task.


Bluetick Consultants digital marketing agency comes with a proven track record of successful social media campaigns.


So, that’s all about social media marketing techniques. Do not hesitate to connect with us if you wish to know more about it. We would be delighted to assist you.

A Comprehensive Guide On How Search Engine Optimization Services Can Help Your Business Grow

The recent pandemic accelerated the growth of online businesses. Businesses are now swiftly moving to the online space to generate extra revenue and some businesses are full-fledged online businesses. When there are businesses, products, and services, they would require online marketing.to grow their business.


Digital marketing has also evolved simultaneously. So many digital marketing channels evolved like Social media marketing, Search engine optimization services, PPC, Email marketing, and many more. There were even questions raised over old and traditional digital marketing strategies like SEO, whether it is relevant in 2022 or not. In this post, we will understand the relevancy of SEO and how exactly it helps your business grow.


The only straightforward answer to the relevancy of SEO is that SEO was relevant and it will be relevant until people stop using search engines to find answers to their problems. And Google enjoys the lion’s share in search engines. Google’s algorithm might have changed over time but one thing that will never be changed is people visiting search engines to find solutions to their problems.


This is where search engine optimization services providers can help you grow your business by taking a problem-solving approach. SEO would not provide you with immediate results but it will help you build brand and trust through high-quality content that will bring organic traffic to your site. Over the long term, people will rely on your site for specific information, products, and services due to reliable information and a well-crafted SEO strategy. Let’s understand how SEO would do that.


On-Page SEO Audit To Find Gaps In Your SEO Strategy


On-page SEO audit is the first diagnostic report of your website. It is the first step to finding how your website is performing, and what are the gaps in it that are hindering organic traffic to your website. Some common gaps found in SEO audits are missing meta descriptions, long title tags, alt tags in images, heavy images, and not having enough content and missing focus keywords.

All these factors give a negative impression to crawling bots and it impacts your overall traffic. SEO service providers can help you find these faults and fill those gaps to improve organic traffic and leads.


On-Page Optimization To Provide The Best User Experience


Whatever SEO strategy you deploy at the end, user experience matters the most. A good on-page optimization keeps a balance between keyword density, titles, descriptions, alt tags, schema markup, internal and external links, and the user experience.

On-page optimization makes sure that crawling bots and users find value in the page. A good on-page optimization can exponentially grow traffic on the website.


Trust On Experienced SEO Service Providers- Bluetick


A good on-page optimization practice or SEO audit requires a seasoned eye to find gaps in existing SEO strategies and how they can be made better to improve traffic and leads. So, always trust highly skilled SEO service providers like Bluetick for this task.


So, that’s it about how you can grow your business with SEO. Connect with us if you wish to know more about how you can grow your business with SEO.

5 Key Factors To Consider Before Hiring SEO Services From The Best SEO Company

When you look for digital marketing the word SEO is the first thing that comes up. So what is SEO and how to find the best SEO company? Search Engine Optimization is directed towards making your company’s name be the first few to pop up when relevant searches are made by potential customers on a search engine. When hiring SEO services it becomes difficult for businesses to choose one company as they have no idea what are the criteria for short listing them. 

Here are a few key factors to consider to shortlist the SEO expert for you.

seo company

1. Knowledge and Understanding: All companies will claim to be experts but to know their actual standing, asking a few questions about what area they focus on and how they have helped their clients will give a clear picture. Look at their past SEO campaigns, check their clients performance and see if the claims come in close to the actual work done. 

2. Reputation and Reviews: Like all businesses, the reputation and reviews of a SEO company can say a lot about them and their customer service. When looking for SEO experts, it is good to ask in your circle for references. Checking their reviews is another way to know about their services and work. If you do not find any through word of mouth, checking SEO servicesnear me online may leave you more perplexed than relieved. 

3. Right Fit for You: It is important to not choose a ‘one fits all’ type of plan. As a SEO service provider, the company should first understand your company and brand to create a custom plan to match the company’s aesthetics. The goals need to be set down, the realistics expectations of outcome discussed and mutually agreed upon.

on page optimization

4. Clear Plan: The plan should be laid out well with highlighting the areas of improvement, expected goals and target audience. A good plan should include both on page optimization as well as off page optimization. While on page optimization works towards getting better ranking and placement on searches, the off page focuses on link building  to achieve ranking, building trust and awareness. Setting up periodical review to check on the progress and share updates have to be part of the service. 

5. Results: Any SEO firm that promises immediate results needs to be steered clear of. Optimization takes time, to see an impact a minimum of a few months is needed. For companies whose digital ranking was non-existent to start with may need longer to show results. There is always trial and error with SEO, the plan changes with each review to reach the goals set out. The ease of communication is what makes a huge impact as well.

4 Powerful Benefits Of Using Google Pay Per Click Services For Your Business

Yes you heard it right. You can upscale your business into different markets via internet marketing specifically through Google pay per click strategy. PPC marketing is one of the unique models of internet marketing wherein the advertisers pay a certain amount each time the ad is clicked. Basically, the visit on your website is not earned organically, rather you buy one. 


In Google ads services, the advertiser bids for ad placement in Google’s sponsored links as and when someone searches on keywords related to the advertiser’s  business.  For instance, you are a mobile app development company, you bid on a keyword- ‘best mobile app development company’, your ad will show up in the top results page of Google. 

Google chooses the best ads to appear on the valuable ad space on the basis of quality, relevance of keywords, ad campaigns and most importantly size of their keyword bids.


Now that your Google ad is visible and subsequently clicked, the visitor is sent to your website and for that Google charges a nominal fee. If this kind of promotion works well for your company, then the price for it is trivial as the visit is worth more than what you pay for it. 


To convince your boss or team about benefits of using Google pay per click services for your business, here are 4 powerful benefits:


1. PPC Makes Business Goals Achievable

According to Google ads experts, in order to achieve your company’s marketing goals and objectives, PPC should be incorporated in any modern day business. We often set high business and marketing goals, to achieve those we need to focus on powerful tools, such as PPC to align website traffic drivers to end goals. PPC with its advertising content download, newsletter sign ups, any contest entries, persuading for quick app downloads attracts website traffic and converts the prospects into customers.


2. PPC Results Can Be Measured Easily

A very crucial benefit PPC offers is that the results can be easily measured, you just need to use Google ad tools with Google Analytics. Here you get to see performance details that include impressions, number of clicks, and conversion ratio. 


3. PPC Provides a Wealth of Useful Data

As you get immense data and performance information through Google Analytics, you can use it to create SEO Strategy and put your content marketing efforts in the right direction. You can even have a built-in keyword planner and  display planner tools to know where the audience is and what the searchers are going to look for.


4. PPC Perfectly Coordinates With Other Marketing Channels

We as a digital marketing and advertising services company offer various marketing tools and techniques in alignment with PPC marketing to promote your business like:

  • Content Marketing: here with the help of Google ads you get to attract more visitors towards content quickly and improve your ROI. 
  • PPC and SEO gives better results when incorporated together as the performance data of number of clicks, impressions and conversion assist in knowing keywords therefore optimizing SEO efforts.
  • PPC further assists in email marketing and other traditional marketing activities with the use of data collected.


As a popular Google ads agency, we at Bluetick work for achieving the client’s business goals and objectives in alignment with the cost of promotion.

5 Pay Per Click Advertising Strategies Your Business Needs To Try in 2023

Sometimes we need to put a little extra effort in attracting qualified target audience to our website and a smart way to do so is by incorporating pay per click advertising techniques strategically. To generate organic traffic, you can focus on SEO and to gather immediate results, go for paid ads. A combination of these PPC strategies and SEO can work wonders.


PPC services in India have been giving desired results to the businesses as this allows you to make ads visible to people who are already in search of products you are offering and allowing you to communicate with them instantly via messages or emails or feedback.


Below are 5 pay per click advertising strategies your business must try in 2022:


1. Advertise On Multiple Platforms

Focusing on Google ads is considered a smart way to promote your business but with this, if the same ad is promoted on social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram, the results are astounding and remarkable as social media connects directly with the company and increases brand awareness, aids customer loyalty and boosts sales.


2. Content PPC Marketing

Sometimes the focus of the company lies in generating and increasing the readership of the blog instead of immediate conversions. You can go for content PPC marketing, this will assist your business in gaining more social shares, trust for the company in the long run. There are few PPC channels that help you in amplifying your content’s reach for example: Outbrain, Taboola, Quuu, Copromote, and Zemanta.


3. Branded Campaigning

To increase your brand awareness you need to focus on promoting your business using your company brand name or trademarked terms and that is one of the best PPC strategies to start with. Emphasizing on promoting brand name ensures an everlasting presence in the market. For example, a branded campaign for LadyBird Books can be ladybird books, ladybird books marketing, ladybird books for kids. 


4. Launch a Retargeting Campaign

Ad campaigns when retargeted to a known audience who browsed your website earlier, they are more likely to buy your product instead of your competitor’s. Using this simple technique of remarketing to people who interacted with you earlier helps you in gaining lost customers and increasing your customer database. You can choose your audience for remarketing campaigns based on page, device, time on page etc. All of this is available in Google Analytics account.  


5. Solution Based Campaigns

PPC Experts of our company suggest that if your ad focuses upon a certain solution, your product has to offer in the market it can reach out to a considerable number of potential buyers who are looking for a solution to fix a problem.

At Bluetick, we also work as a PPC agency. Our task is to create a successful paid strategy for your businesses so that relevant traffic is generated. We help businesses to grow by optimizing their ad campaigns and being able to generate high quality leads and customers thereof.

Create Ads With A Limited Budget At Bluetick – The Leading Google Ads Specialist

When you step out and see people, everywhere you look, everyone is glued to their phones. The digital world has become part of our everyday life and needs. From groceries to clothes to electronics, everything is being bought online. With the rise in popularity of social media and digital mediums, individuals are making all transactions online. Google ads specialists say that it doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, having a presence online is the key to success. For a business to make money, they have to be present in potential customers’ minds and if you do not have a business profile online then it is imperative to create one right away.

pay per click advertising

Some businesses find the whole digital platform management daunting and think it requires big spending. There are a lot of resources available for businesses to learn the best marketing strategies. But running a business may not leave enough time and resources to learn and evaluate what works most for your business. This is where expertise of Google ads specialists is indispensable. Google ads experts can take a small budget and show great results. At Bluetick the solutions designed are specific to the businesses needs and the specialists will track the growth. The reports shared are laid down in a way that doesn’t leave the businessman confused.

google ads experts

Some of the key aspects of running a good digital marketing plan include:

▪️Clear objective: Before laying down the plan it is vital to know what is the end result expected. A clear understanding of goals reflects better outcomes. 

▪️Target audience: Knowing the potential audience who is more likely to click that buy button and what will attract them is an important part of this campaign. Which platform to find them on and what area is the marketing going to cover needs to be laid out.

▪️Bid right: In PPC marketing, one bids on the relevant words the customer is likely to search when looking to buy products or services the business deals in. Choosing the right words to bid on is the key to better outcome with less spending. 

▪️Landing page: When running online ads, the link to the landing page should be relevant to the ad content. If the landing page is of a different product than the one advertised it impact is lost. 

▪️Track results: Tracking the outcome will give a clear picture of how far off the results are from the expectations. Pay per click advertising allows you to edit and tweak the ads for achieving the goals set. 


Leaning on a specialist makes this journey not only easy, but more profitable as the budget can go a long way when the execution of the plan is optimized. 

5 Tips To Boost Your Online Business From A Google Ads Specialist

In today’s age and world, all businesses are moving towards digital platforms. The online platforms give access to finding customers from every part of the country. But to stand out of the crowd in this online world is very important to be profitable. Here are 5 tips from a Google ad specialist to help guide you towards your goal to boost your online business.


1. Social Media Presence

When taking your business digital, it is very important to have a good social media presence. Having social media accounts that are well connected to your business website makes it easy and simple for the individuals to know more about your company and products. Individuals also like to connect with the business through social media for asking questions before making a purchase decision. It is crucial to have an active social media account where you should post regularly. Visual posts are more attractive to consumers and tend to have more clicks.

google ads services

2. Reviews and Testimonials

People trust the views of other customers when considering purchasing from brands unknown to them. As a business, one should encourage all its customers to leave reviews and testimonials on social media platforms and Google listings. The business website should have a section highlighting the reviews. The value of the testimonials and reviews increases if it has pictures or videos of the products for potential customers to see. 


3. Understanding Your Customer 

It is crucial to define and understand your target audience. The right strategy can only be defined if you know who your customer is. All the content on social media and websites should be of interest to them to get their attention and for you as a business to make more money online. Depending upon the customer, the communication channel can also be shortlisted. 

google ads experts

4. Advertising

Using social media and Google ads services is a great way to reach the right audience. One of the biggest misconceptions is that running ads means a big marketing budget.  Our Google ads experts clarify that running these Google PPC ads does not mean spending a lot of money. One can determine their spending no matter how small. The money is spent only when a prospective customer acts on the desired outcome. It is suggested to go through a PPC expert when trying out Google PPC or social media ads to make the most out of your spend. 


5. Track Growth

Tracking the business growth is not only to see how well our business is doing, but also to understand what changes are needed to improve. While tracking the number of orders and financial growth can be done by checking one’s accounts, the social media tracking can be easily done with help of Google Analytics. It can give you a clear understanding of the website traffic, customer conversion, ads results and much more.